Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Checks and Balances

One day initiate the time to add up what is struggling to maintain a consistent line and you will prospectively see but may not necessarily believe winning the lottery may not solve what has yet to be achieved of “managing checks and balances”.

Sarcasm never dies but a thinker who thinks ahead “SURVIVES”.
Allow us to scroll through history and review Checks and Balances that reads how “each of the three branches of government can limit the powers of the others This way, no one branch becomes too powerful” see why a system holds strong ties to the constitution and why it was designed with power in mind. Because some people have failed to realize how unchained information will affect your reality if you don’t read what still remains of “free” not limited to scholars to read of missed text that has a ripple effect  now is the time it would behoove you to understand what controls this great land



Finding FAITH, Having FAITH, Losing FAITH

There are two things we can count on for sure “life and death” are situations in which we cannot adjust time but we can take the initiative to better our individual lives by choosing what will be our final tour guide.  And in this situation you must individually meditate and ask yourself what are my expectations of finding faith, how do I maintain the faith through life’s struggles and good days and if I were to lose this faith today how would my life drastically “CHANGE“.  

Once we begin to ask ourselves the questions that are conducive to our individual lives then we can identify with why religion has a significant purpose in life. And we’ve seen the signs that specifically read without God our lives or ok which is that person’s individual choice in how they find peace beyond any other person’s chosen desire to believe. So if you are struggling with life today understand tomorrow may be too late to PONDER with “FAITH”

Insurance Rates

The scores are being ran. But not before a check into the data base of every reported vandalism and break ins. In every complied demographic...