Tuesday, March 28, 2023


To write this dialogue. I did not write from a personal life in marriage experience. But from a matured mindset in knowing as a human being anytype of change in ingredients; will determine if our tastebuds adjust. Are our human natures will still align for each other, even more where children are involved.

One day God saw man needed; human companionship. And it's not debateable, either we fall short if not stand tall of meeting the expectations we place on each other. Then believe with or without God; the Vows we made could last without adjusting to change. Of the commitment to each other through sickness and health. Poverty & Wealth; forever. Unfortunately time changes all of US. And marriage is not every human story; after anytype of cohabitation resulting in a separation.

Once we procreate together in this life. We are destined to birth offsprings; we just can't mentally walk away from. And deny of ourselves or each other a sole interest sought by a paternal & maternal bloodlines. 

At some point in life; as human beings filled with emotions; we, us are them found ourselves; caught up mentally. Sometimes the scenario is after the physical. In which we could not deny ourselves. Of 1 human need; to be "desired".

So, how do we judge with no dissertation of each other's faults. When we once said suggested we knew more about each other, than we learned individually about ourselves. To acknowledge why did we end up loving each other. And taking the accountability in any relationship to stand the test of time; a lifetime of work is to be expected & required.

Sons, figuring out forever; really means "I need more time to figure out; myself in this life of pressure, self-care and family. Therefore young women if know one has shared the truth about "Love it's a two way expression". And In reality we in humanity will never cease in struggling to genuinely work it out; among each other.


It's becoming more common around the world. Included is places that believe "this never happens, here". 

Any human act demonstrated in the demise of a preservation of another human life; impacts People's peace of mind. Because people don't feel safe tackling the course of change. While adapting to understanding or refraining; amongest each other's emotional build-up overtime.

In the last decade families, communities and public servicers, police officers have come to accept this is not acceptable of normalcy. But what can be done through Politics; to much time has been wasted over pointing the fingers at each other. In a life People are emotionally affected by each other's; human choices.

We know the history of mental illness. But in reality has there ever scientifically been a long term solution. We know physiologically our minds & bodies will adjust overtime and generations. Why, because we were genetically created to endure so much in this skin we cover up in. And age is not a factor; allow us, are them to acknowledge the accountability. Where mankind factors statistics based the probabilities on other's human life existence.

We know in New World Orders war's is destined to cover the Topic. And not exempt there is destined to be casualties in every race & age. Why, whatever is the controversial battle to figure out. We as a people continue to taunt; ourselves. Starting in our human mindsets. We can repeat debated history over propaganda, conspiracy theories, structured government and politics. But what is destined to affect many nations is the authority of who sustains control over power dictating; repetition has to repeat in movement; over history. 

One truth in this world, people will eventually confess; is we chose to birth life for the sake of bloodlines. Amongst what we chose to categorize of our identities is "judgment of our own individualilty". The makeup of people divides by cultured populations. We, us are them is the same humanity on earth. That allow if not to watch. In how all people impact each other. Through human devices of our own; decision making. Exposed over the existence of mankind; unjustified denial, to face the reality in how far did we come. To address in this moment where are we now of a human race?

Once we evaluate what is shifting the foundation in Family vs. Morals, Values & Beliefs. Education, Society, Economics vs. Politics. All title's of human body's broken down amongst; we, us are them. The sole representives. 

Insurance Rates

The scores are being ran. But not before a check into the data base of every reported vandalism and break ins. In every complied demographic...