Thursday, December 8, 2016

A Cup of Java

A therapeutic space to congregate & getaway. To grab a cup of Java and tap click away before embarking or planning our filled days. But before we embark upon the world. Let's gets re-acquainted with one another & ourselves first. As we digest the events taken place in the world. And observe strangers we would have never initiated the time to share of our; goals, business proposals, concerns, experiences and ideas. Because everyday someone is faced with the demands of success and failures. So the question is what will overflow our cups today, before life has no more ingredients to filler back up again? In a space we have the freewill & a purpose to change. Learned from the lessons we have gained?

Half of our lives we live trying to figure out; the answers to questions that require a cup patience. 

Half of our lives we search to discover the importance of catching up to our real purpose which is "treasuring ourselves" without thinking.

Enjoy Your Life Responsibly!

Insurance Rates

The scores are being ran. But not before a check into the data base of every reported vandalism and break ins. In every complied demographic...